Personal Injury Chiropractor


Patients in car accidents should never skip a complete spinal exam because they do not have immediate symptoms or pain. It may take several hours or days for the body to calm down before experiencing pain, stiffness, or soreness. Dr. Josh advises getting evaluated as soon as possible after a car accident. Early detection of whiplash and other spine injuries is critical to overcoming any pain you may be experiencing and accelerating the healing process to avoid long-term issues.

Understanding the Dangers of Whiplash & Other Common Injuries After an Auto Accident 

Whiplash is the most common condition we see; its effects are felt as soon as an accident occurs. Whiplash injuries occur when two cars collide, and the impact causes the neck muscles to violently move forward, backward, or to the side, causing extreme movement of the head and spine and spraining the surrounding ligaments.


Motor vehicle injuries are a major issue because they frequently cause severe damage to the muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments of the spine and surrounding areas. These injuries can alter the spine's natural curvature if left untreated, resulting in permanent functional loss.

Injuries We Treat at Wilderness Ridge Chiropractic 

  • Back Pain
  • Dizziness & Vertigo
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Herniated Discs
  • Hip & Leg Pain
  • Knee & Foot Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Soft Tissue Injury
  • Whiplash
  • Wrist Pain

Dedicated to Your Chiropractic Care 

Dr. Josh will create a comprehensive care plan to help relieve your pain, correct any issues or damage, and stabilize the spine to prevent long-term pain or loss of function. This will reduce the need for medication and surgery significantly. A study published in the International Journal of the Care of the Injured found that 93% of patients improved significantly after receiving chiropractic care, and we've seen the same great results in our office!


Our connections with orthopedists, neurologists, MRI facilities, physical therapists, and personal injury attorneys in and around Grand Island, NE, ensure you receive all the care you need to recover from your injuries. Most auto insurance policies will cover medical expenses incurred due to a car accident. As part of your injury claim, our staff will work directly with your insurance provider to verify your benefits.


Dr. Josh is ready to serve! Call or text  308-675-2066 and let Dr. Josh know how he can help.

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